Sunday, August 19, 2012

Increase Your Personal Effectiveness Using the Power of Color

I think one of the primary benefits of completing The Color Code personality online profile is being able to use the tool with a trained expert for performance coaching. Unlike other tools, The Color Code is very easy to understand and apply. The 20+ page Color Code profile is a tool that can help you capitalize on your strengths and shore up your areas of opportunity. A trained Color Code coach can help you positively work through both personal and professional issues, relationships and challenges.

The Color Code can help you improve your relationships by first understanding yourself and then understanding others - their Driving Core Motives and why they do what they do. Learning how to speak the languages of Colors is a key to building healthy, charactered relationships at work and at home. Many of the executives I work with wind up using The Color Code to work on the homefront, too. Why? Who doesn't want happier, healthier relationships with their significant other, children, parents, friends? The Color Code is a great tool for improving and learning how to build intimacy in relationships (including marriages).

Consider getting started by learning your Primary Color. To do so, visit and take 10-20 minutes to complete the online questionnaire. Be sure to approach the questions - to the best of your ability - from the perspective of your childhood - whether that be at age 6 or 16. If you want to go deeper and learn if you have a Secondary Color, use Coupon Code PASS-53EK to receive a personalized 20+ page report - using the same information from the online questionnaire you already completed.

Once you've reviewed your report, E-mail to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your Color Code results. We can talk about your goals and ways I can help get you on a path to receiving what you most want out of life. In any case, I wish you great success on your journey!

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