Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Color Code - Introduction

Why do I behave the way I do? Why do I always act a certain way? Why does he bother me so? Why do I have problems dealing with a certain type of people? I don't feel as if people understand me.

These are just a few of the challenges we hear about daily. The good news is... there is a terrific tool that can help.... The Color Code. I'm Michael Hancock. I'm an actor, trainer and coach. I help people learn about their motives, and what motives mean in dealing with other people.

Taking the Color Code assessment is easy. Just go to www.colorcode.com and complete the questionnaire FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF YOUR EARLIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORIES. Do the best you can to recall circumstances and behaviors from your childhood.. whether that means at age 4, 6 or 16.

Then, if you want to go deeper... enter Coupon Code PASS-53EK to receive $10 OFF your instant customized full 25-page Color Code report.

Please be sure to E-mail me with any questions... mike@wakeupandlive.com. I'd love to help!

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